I 杂记
What is the inside of processor (CPU) ?
- Datapath: performs operations on data
- Control Unit: is responsible for fetching and executing instructions.
- Cache memory
- 预缓存,提高性能
Datapath with control (重点 )
Turing Machine 图灵机
II Design a cpu
II.1 数据通路设计
II.1.1 Register File
`include "core_struct.vh"
module RegFile (
input clk,
input rst,
input we,
input CorePack::reg_ind_t read_addr_1,
input CorePack::reg_ind_t read_addr_2,
input CorePack::reg_ind_t write_addr,
input CorePack::data_t write_data,
output CorePack::data_t read_data_1,
output CorePack::data_t read_data_2
import CorePack::*;
integer i;
data_t register [1:31]; // x1 - x31, x0 keeps zero
// fill your code
// fill your code
assign read_data_1 = (read_addr_1 == 5'd0) ? 64'd0 : register[read_addr_1];
assign read_data_2 = (read_addr_2 == 5'd0) ? 64'd0 : register[read_addr_2];
always_ff @(posedge clk or posedge rst) begin
if (rst) begin
for (i = 1; i < 32; i++) begin
register[i] <= 64'd0;
end else if (we && write_addr != 5'd0) begin
register[write_addr] <= write_data;
II.1.2 Cmp
// fill your code
always_comb begin
case (cmp_op)
// CMP_NO: res = 0; // 表示不是比较类型
CMP_EQ: res = (a == b) ? 1 : 0;
CMP_NE: res = (a != b) ? 1 : 0;
CMP_LT: res = ($signed(a) < $signed(b)) ? 1 : 0;
CMP_GE: res = ($signed(a) >= $signed(b)) ? 1 : 0;
CMP_LTU: res = (a < b) ? 1 : 0;
CMP_GEU: res = (a >= b) ? 1 : 0;
// CMP7: res = 0;
default: res = 0;
II.1.3 Controller
我们需要实现的指令类型至少为 6 种,但是寻找相似点可以归类设计
II.1.3.1 R/L/S
具体到时候看 5/29 日的 ppt
III Performance
简而言之,是快还是多?我们更多考虑 快 这一方面
Performance = 1/Execution Time
III.1 Measuring Execution Time
III.1.1 Elapsed time
- Total response time, including all aspects
- Processing, I/O, OS overhead, idle time
- Determines system performance
III.1.2 CPU time
III.1.3 How can computer run faster?
III.1.4 Power and energy consumption
在 IDLE 时依旧有较大的功耗