
I Random Variables: Variance and Covariance

I.1 Variance(方差)


In probability theory and statistics, the variance is a way to measure how far a set of numbers is spread out. Variance describes how much a random variable differs from its expected value. The variance is defined as the average of the squares of the differences between the individual (observed) and the expected value.


(Variance). For a r.v. X with expectation E[X] = µ, the variance of X is defined to be Var(X)=E[(Xµ)2] . The square root σ(X):=Var(X) is called the standard deviation of X.


For a r.v. X with expectation E[X] = µ, we have Var(X)=E[X2]μ2 .
and Var[cX]=c2Var[X] .

and we can even get that:

I.2 Covariance


(Covariance). The covariance of random variables X and Y , denoted Cov(X,Y), is defined as


where µX = E[X] and µY = E[Y].

here are some important facts about covariance:

An example for the converse is not true is given in Q 1 (a).


(Correlation). Suppose X and Y are random variables with σ(X) > 0 and σ(Y) > 0. Then, the correlation of X and Y is defined as



II Practice

Q 1 Double-Check Your Intuition Again

(a) You roll a fair six-sided die and record the result X. You roll the die again and record the result Y.



  • cov(aX+bY,cZ)=ac⋅cov(X,Z)+bc⋅cov(Y,Z)

  • cov(X+Y,cZ)=c⋅cov(X,Z)+c⋅cov(Y,Z)



对于 (ii) ,X+Y 和 X-Y 肯定有关系,我们举一个反例即可:

例如 P[X+Y=5,XY=0]=0!=P[X+Y=5]P[XY=0]

For each of the problems below, if you think the answer is "yes" then provide a proof. If you think the answer is "no", then provide a counterexample.

(b) If X is a random variable and Var(X) = 0, then must X be a constant?

yes, just need to know how to calculate Var(X).

(c) If X is a random variable and c is a constant, then is Var(cX) = cVar(X)?


(d) If A and B are random variables with nonzero standard deviations and Corr(A,B) = 0, then are A and B independent?

no, just see (a)

(e) If X and Y are not necessarily independent random variables, but Corr(X,Y) = 0, and X and Y have nonzero standard deviations, then is Var(X +Y) = Var(X) +Var(Y)? The two subparts below are optional and will not be graded but are recommended for practice.

(f) If X and Y are random variables then is E[max(X,Y)min(X,Y)] = E[XY]?

yes, it is obvious since max(X,Y)min(X,Y) = XY is always true.

(g) If X and Y are independent random variables with nonzero standard deviations, then is Corr(max(X,Y),min(X,Y)) = Corr(X,Y)?

It is difficult.