I Introduction
n computing, telecommunication, information theory, and coding theory, forward error correction (FEC) or channel coding[1|1][2|2][3|3] is a technique used for controlling errors in data transmission over unreliable or noisy communication channels.
The central idea is that the sender encodes the message in a redundant way, most often by using an error correction code or error correcting code (ECC 纠错码). 4 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Error_correction_code#cite_note-4) 5 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Error_correction_code#cite_note-Hamming-5) The redundancy allows the receiver not only to detect errors that may occur anywhere in the message, but often to correct a limited number of errors. Therefore a reverse channel to request re-transmission may not be needed. The cost is a fixed, higher forward channel bandwidth.
When we work with numbers modulo a prime m, we say that we are working over a finite field , denoted by Fm or GF(m) (for Galois Field).
There are, very roughly speaking, (at least) two distinct flavors of error correcting codes: algebraic codes(代数码), which are based on polynomials over finite fields, and combinatorial codes(组合码), which are based on graph theory.
In this note we will focus on algebraic codes, and in particular on so-called Reed-Solomon codes (named after two of their inventors).
II Some kinds of errors
II.1 Erasure Errors(擦除错误)
根据上一篇 note 的 application 部分,我们可以给出一个解决方法:
我们估计最大丢包率(不妨设传输 n+k 个包时至多丢失 k 个包),再相应地额外发送包,保证在丢包最多的情况下接收方(至少接收到了 n 个包)依旧能够获得正确信息;同时一般数据包具有标头,以便接收方知道具体丢失了那些包(暂时倒是用不上)。
II.2 General Errors
同样假设我们传输过程中至多 k 个包会被修改,那么我们需要额外传输的包由 k 个变为了 2k 个,也就是说发送方应发送至少 n+2k 个包;下面将说明其可行性:
error-locator polynomial :
设存储信息的多项式为 P(X),那么 P(i) 就可以对应接收方接收到的信息
我们记: Q(X) = P(X)E(X),不难发现,E(X)的次项最大为 k,Q(X) 的最大为 n+k,不妨设:
接收方将 n+2 k 组数据带入其中,不难发现就是 n+2 k 元线性方程组!那么很好理解为甚么 n+2 k 是一个临界值了;如何证明我们解出来的 P(X)是唯一的?一个办法是看线性方程组的解是否唯一,或者其解空间是否存在某种特征?这是线性代数的事情了,我们按下不表。下面是笔记中给出的例子。